Monday 12 January 2015


I have not spent much time in the sewing room these last few days. Instead I have been working on a few personal things that are the 30 Day Push Challenge. I have been learning to set priorities, goals and keep and cross things of a to-do list. In other words I am organizing my life and finding what is important to me and what I can let go of.

Lots of time has been spent thinking about my passions, my business, and my personal life...I will be making a few changes to my business and doing some restructuring and re-evaluating. I intend to have more health,  more laughs, more meaning to my life, less materialism and less stuff. We have some personal family goals as well, which I will make public as they become clear.

I am also making a dream list....its crazy the kind of stuff that shows up on the list if you don't sensor what you write and you just allow yourself to dream. One of my dreams involves some awesome wood stoves!! Some of them have shown up on my Pinterest board.

I will be keeping a grateful journal as well. I don't know why humans get so caught up in what we do not have that we forget what we do have. Life is pretty amazing.

Anyway... I hope that January finds you staying warm, sticking to your New Years resolutions and counting your blessings.

Friday 2 January 2015

A New Year!

I always love January 1. It is somehow a like a clean slate, even though we wake up and in reality everything is the same. But it's the thought of a new year, a better year and a fresh page that for me is cleansing, I am able to leave the past behind and try again.

2014 was not my best year. I didn't try as hard as I could have or should have. It was a year of a lot of changes for us. But because I love resolutions on New Years, this year I will do better and be better.

I have plans to improve my health and fitness. I have plans to sew a lot more, take more sewing classes and learn some new things. I love photography and plan to take some photo classes as well. We also are looking at some relocation ideas that we need to put lots more thought into.

I do not expect to have all the answers nor am I quite sure how my year will play out. I do know that I intend to be more grateful for the amazing life I have and complain less about what I don't have or have not accomplished yet.

Happy New Year to everyone!  Go out and live your best year yet.