Wednesday 29 April 2015

Time flies....

Oh where has the time gone? It's the end of April and I have not written a post since January. Oh well, its fine, I have been busy with other projects, which I will talk about shortly, and now I do have time to dedicate here.

I have restructured my sewing business and I now focus on specialty items. I will write all about them in future posts, but what I focus on is taking a wedding gown or special garment and totally recreate them into memory quilts, christening gowns, communion dresses or whatever else you want. I absolutely love doing this. It makes me I will leave alterations for someone else.

The other big project that I have been working on is here. Nourished Wellness!   I am very passionate about health, wellness and healing. So I have been studying holistic nutrition and offer services to help people change their eating habits. There is still so much to learn, and I am loving every minute of it.

So that's where I have been! But I am back, and I have lots of projects and pictures to post about. Stay tuned.